Monday, November 19, 2007

Thank You Britney

I never thought I'd ever thank BritneySpears. I'm still amazed I'm actually putting it in writing. I was with my family deer hunting this past weekend and we got to talking (about everything) like we do every year. We talked about everything from the Packers, about 5 different times per hour, to blogging.

Anyways, in the midst of all of this, the conversation came to men v. women, the differences, the similarities, the caring each does for each other, etc... We began talking about why "mom" seems to be the default on custody in divorce situations. We discussed why it might be that, in order for a dad to get custody of the child(ren), mom pretty much needs to concede or light up a joint in court.

I don't think anyone will argue the generalization that mom tends to be more caring and nurturing. Yes, the baby also physically spent nine more months with mom than with anyone else, ever. Yes, mom went through pains I could never understand, but pretended to while it was happening because I didn't want to get caught looking at the TV. However, why does it take so much to prove a situation does NOT follow the normal assumptions?

This is NOT Las Vegas, unless you are in Las Vegas in which case you may want to move out for the court procedings. This is also NOT an advertising firm using actuary to work the numbers to their benefit. This is a child (or more) and how they will grow up. Dad is capable of caring, providing and raising successful kids just as well as mom. It may be done differently, but different is not bad. It's just different, at least that's what my kindergarten teacher used to always say to me... hmmm!!

So anyways, I say "Thank You, Britney!!" You have brought "Father's Rights" to a new level that I'm not sure any father could have. You and your fantastic "motherly instincts" have helped the movement for single dad's across the country. As you are going out without your underwear on tonight, more and more dads are able to change their kids' underwear before they put them to bed. Every time you pass out drunk, you allow more dads to pass out from exaustion at the end of a long day of taking care of their children.

Kevin, don't screw this up!!