Thursday, January 17, 2008

Holy Hillary

O.K., so there are plenty of things this could be about, right? However, this one hits close to home (no pun intended, you'll see why). So, Hillary has proposed to resolve the mortgage crisis by bailing out homeowners who cannot afford their mortgage payments. In her plan, there are two things that really don't make sense to me. 1. She attacks mortgage lenders for being unfair and wants to hold THEM accountable. 2. She wants to use government money (aka - mine and yours) to make payments for people who are unable to. These are both taken from her website that outlines her plan:
Let me first explain "me" before I address each of these. From February - September of '07 my wife and I (along with our BRAND newborn son) made double mortgage payments. We built a house, thought we could sell ours before the new one was done and we were wrong. You know what we did about it? We did what we were supposed to do, sacrificed a lot of things, and made two payments until our house finally sold!! What the hell? If I'd have know that Shrillary (because it makes me shrill everytime I think of her running our country) was gonna swoop in and "take care of it for me" I would have gotten cable in our new house, bought cool toys for our first child, continued to enjoy Dunkin' Donuts coffee a few mornings a week, and taken my wife out to dinner every once in a while. I didn't because I was taught to take responsibility for my actions. We CHOSE to committ to owning a house while already owning another one!!!
Crazy Point #1: Shrillary's website says that one of her main points is to, "Crack Down on Unscrupulous Brokers." It's the mortgage lenders' fault? THEY need to be held accountable? Last time I checked, mortgage lenders do not hold people down and force them to get loans. When they say "approved", it means they are willing to take the risk of lending you money. THEY are taking a RISK. When you default, THEY lose too. Just because we are approved for credit doesn't mean we can afford it. Do people really NOT know this? Does Shrillary not know this? I promise you I teach my students this and will do the same with my son (I will actually also be taking taxes out of his allowance, but that may be another blog). My car can go 110 MPH, but that doesn't mean I can handle driving it that fast. When someone dies in a high speed accident, do we blame Ford? When someone has a heart-attack from eating too much McDonald's do we blame... wait, holy crap, what is this country coming to??
Crazy Point #2: First of all, it truely doesn't matter whose money is used (in my eyes). It just makes me madder that it's actually mine (and yours, I care about you too). Shrillary's website says, "Hillary will establish a $1 billion fund to support state programs that help at-risk borrowers avoid foreclosure." So, what you're sayin' is that if I would not have been financially responsible enough to make all my payments (for both houses) in full and on time, I could have gotten my neighbors to pool their money together and cover me? You're tellin' me I didn't have to miss the season finale of The Office last season because my rabbit ear antennas had aweful reception that night and I could have just gotten cable as soon as I moved in even though I couldn't afford it? Crap!! Now you tell me.
I just don't get this. But it has taught me one thing. I'm gonna go buy some houses, have some of you make a few payments for me, then sell it when the market picks up for a gain. Who wants to join me?