Thursday, July 31, 2008

Un-Retire Part II

After a month of happenings since I wrote my last blog expressing my original thoughts / gut feeling on this whole Favre situation I will respond... to myself. Republican Teacher, you (I) are right on!! Your innitial feelings were flawless and your ability to read a situation and gauge peoples' character (or lack there of, Ted) is spot on!!
I am writing this after hearing the news that the Packers (who I will seriously have to re-evaluate as my favorite team after all of this) have offered Favre $20 Million to retire. Holy Crap!! There is so much wrong with this.
1. Ted "The Terrorist" Thompson (because he's holding Favre hostage in this whole thing where all Brett wants to do is play football) is the worst listener (this includes ALL students I've EVER come in contact with) on the earth. Ted, seriously, you don't know by now that it's not about money for Brett? He's taken pay cuts to help with the salary cap and offered to take a big one in order to get Randy Moss on the team. You IDIOT!! Seriously, I cannot pound on these keys hard enough to express right now how much I cannot believe someone as STUPID as you is allowed to run a pro sports team.
2. That's just dumb.
3. You are re-creating a bad 80's movie where the rich dad tries to pay the "not good enough" boy to stop dating his daughter. That's so lame. Ted, were you bullied in high school? Is this your chance to finally have more control over someone "cool" and you are trying to stick it to him by sitting behind your big, rich desk with your arms folded saying "no"? That doesn't make you any less of a loser!!
4. That's just dumb.
5. Ted, if you can't pay him off with $20 mil, what's your next move? You gonna have Rocco come in with a baseball bat and "take care of him"?
Ted, it's lucky for you that you cannot be traded. Although, you can be released and free to go to another team (sounds good), or paid $20 mil to retire (that's fine too). Regardless, will you please leave Green Bay? Please? You have tainted this whole situation. YOU have created this!! Not Brett, not the press, not the bullies from high school who made you feel sad. Get out, Ted!! Get out now, please!?!?

Tuesday, July 8, 2008


Favre wants to play again! I have mixed feelings on this one. Let me start by saying that I LOVE Brett Favre!! I am a Packer fan, my dad has season tickets and is from Green Bay. Favre is amazing, and a great quarterback too.
He wants to come back now and play... that's annoying. I haven't liked it the past several years, how he's wained all off season and I don't like this move right now. I have no idea what it's like to give up being a professional athlete and will never claim to. I'm sure it's incredibly tough, especially when you are amazing at it (forget about the money piece, I know that's weird to hear from me). But, the indecision has driven me crazy and this last "Michael Jordan" like move is the icing on the cake of the career decision delimma Brett has forced us to stand by and watch. Bad move here Brett, you're really annoying... but I still LOVE you!! (Ha! That's actually what my wife says to me several times a week)
Now having said that Brett is annoying, Ted Thompson... you are an idiot!! I've already said how I feel about Brett's move and that's over. Ted, your job is to put the Packers in the best situation to win. Brett vs. this new kid, hmmmm??? Seriously, Ted? You're dodging this decision because it's that tough? Because you're "on vacation"? I'm a teacher and I'm currently on a 2.5 month vacation, but I'll tell ya what... if my school called me with a great opportunity today, I'd call them back. There are two quarterbacks in the NFL that are easily pegged as currently better than Favre and that's Manning (not the adopted one in NY) and Brady. So, Ted, you are gonna put the third best current quarterback (and top 10 of all time) on hold so you can have another Mai-Thai? You're an idiot!!
To summarize:
1. Favre is not doing this the right way, he screwed up here, he wants to come back and it's annoying, but great.
2. a. So he's not doing it the best way. Call him back NOW, Ted. Welcome him back and THANK him for changing his mind. Greet him at Austin Straubel Airport with a sixer of High Life, a fishing pole, and a cup of worms!!
b. If you don't do this, you're an idiot!!