Wednesday, July 1, 2009

RIP Michael

As sad as his last several years have been for him in the media, his impact on music and dancing cannot be denied or tainted.
The night before he died, I was in hollywood (was out in Anaheim with students for a national conference) on the stars walk and had my my students take my picture on his star. I explained to them how big of a deal he was to me, my generation, and several outside of my generation. They seemed to understand. The next day, we were walking back from Disneyland when I received a text informing me of his death. I am sad!!
Michael was my first concert. I was 8 and my dad took me to see him at the old Comiskey Park. I loved his music, his videos, his dancing. I memorized his dance moves, but never duplicated them. I spent hours listening to "Billie Jean" to memorize the words. I owned one silver glove. If not for him, I know I wouldn't love dancing as much as I do. He was my generation's Elvis.
I will do what I can to pass on his amazingness to my son (and any other kids that come along). We have been listening to his music in the house and car for the last several days now. This is the biggest celebrity death I've experienced and I'll never forget where I was when I found out.
My thoughts and prayers go out to his family, especially his three children. May peace and happiness find them quickly and remain.

Good bye, Michael!!